Recognizing Dyslexia Awareness Month
October is Dyslexia Awareness Month.
Special Education Attorney Jeff Sankey is pleased to announce that he has become a member of the International Dyslexia Association.
The International Dyslexia Association is an international organization that concerns itself with the complex issues of dyslexia. The Association’s membership consists of a variety of professionals in partnership with people with dyslexia and their families. For a great source of information about dyslexia, turn to the Association’s website at
Despite federal and state laws mandating that public schools provide a free and appropriate education to all students, this often does not happen for many children with dyslexia. We share the Association’s guiding principles that all children with learning disabilities have the right to achieve their potential and that a child’s learning abilities can be improved with effective remediation. With so many of the youngsters that we represent struggling to learn to read, we are acutely aware of the process that families often need to negotiate in order to obtain necessary services for their dyslexic children. We are proud that our efforts on behalf of these children have resulted in orders from the Massachusetts Bureau of Special Education Appeals providing them with access to specialized placements designed to remediate their learning disabilities. In fact, we recently prevailed in a case against a Massachusetts school district on behalf of a child with Dyslexia, obtaining funding for an appropriate out-of-district placement. The full decision can be accessed here: Student v. Greenwood Public Schools