Your child’s IEP must include a plan to help him or her transition from school to post-high school opportunities such as college, work and community and adult life. Planning for this transition must begin when the child is 14 years old, and must be based upon the student’s strengths, preferences, interests and needs. Transition must be discussed with the parents at a team meeting, and a “Transition Planning Form” must be used to record the decisions made by the team.
Transition planning is one of the most important considerations for a child with a disability because it is intended to help plan for life when school ends. Nonetheless, it is frequently given little attention and is sometimes completely overlooked by the team. Parents must be aggressive advocates on behalf of their children to ensure that appropriate post-graduation planning is done for their child.
If you have questions about a transition plan, or if transition planning is not being done, call us. We understand the steps that are necessary to get your child the free appropriate public education he or she is legally entitled to receive.